Couple Kissing

Buy Books from Linda Burson

Buy books from Linda Burson and immerse yourself in a world of romance and adventure. Linda's books are available from online sellers and specific book dealers. Check out Linda's books at Amazon and Bank Square Books in Mystic, CT.

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The Marcy Novels

Follow Marcy, a contemporary heroine, through a thriller series that will keep your attention throughout.

RAGE Book Cover

Book One: "Rage"

Book Two Confusion

Book Two: "Confusion"

Agony And Ecstasy Book Cover

Book Three: "Agony and Ecstasy"

The Agreement Book Cover

Book Four: "The Agreement"

The Past Returns

Book Five: "The Past Returns"

Caught in a Lie Book Cover

Book Six: "Caught in a Lie"

Taken By Surprise

Book Seven: "Taken by Surprise"

Fierce Emotions Book Cover

Book Eight: "Fierce Emotions"


Book Nine: "Forgivable Revenge"

The Impact of Change

Book Ten: "The Impact of Change"

Bank Square Books Logo

Bank Square Books (Paperback Only)

Marcy Series

Book Eleven: "Dark-Hearted Affairs"

Cause & Effect new cover

Book Twelve: "Cause & Effect"

Destiny - Book Thirteen

Book Thirteen: "MARCY SERIES"


More Books from Linda Burson

The Kidnapping Linda Burson

The Colors Of My Life Book Cover
Where There's Murder, There's Mystery Collection
Lies Aren't Forever Book Cover

"LIES AREN'T FOREVER" by Linda Burson is book two in the above "WHERE THERE'S MURDER THERE'S MYSTERY" suspense thriller anthology.

The Marcy Series Kindle Edition

Start at the beginning with RAGE. Get to know Marcy, Brad, and Liam. Join Marcy in finding out why she has anger issues.

The Marcy Series Kindle Edition Books 4-6
    • "MARCY SERIES BOX SET Books 4-6
      Kindle Edition"

The Agreement, The Past Returns, and Caught in a Lie